Does making cake-mix cupcakes count as being productive?
I'm inclined to think it doesn't. But hey, they were tasty just the same.
I'm on my last session of marking for this semester. I let things pile up a bit too much, even though I promised myself I wouldn't this time, and now I'm paying for it. Paying in hours of missed sleep, that is...
On top of that, I'm still pretty sick with this nasty cold, and it's made my back seize up as well. This is really not a week of fun, but I'm looking forward to it being over tomorrow! One more week of pregnancy down, as well--we're twenty-nine weeks in, as of tomorrow!
OK, I have to get back to marking. But I promise that as soon as that is over with, I'll focus on some more creative projects that have currently been put on hold. Maybe I'll even manage to write something interesting here instead of just soon as this cold clears up. ; )
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