Well, here I am at the end of my second sick-day, and while I still feel pretty crappy I am determined to get into work tomorrow and get started on the second semester. I can't really waste any time, really; I only have forty-five possible teaching days before my maternity leave starts, and I'm almost certain to lose some to snow days or appointments. I can't believe how soon this semester will be over for me, really!

I spent most of today taking it easy and getting some marking done. I really feel pretty miserable, and my back is very stiff and seized up. I'm hoping a good sleep tonight will work some kind of miracle on it all. This is the first time I've been sick since getting pregnant, and I'm pretty much ready to be finished with the whole experience. I want to be able to get moving agin; I find that even a day or two of inactivity totally kills my energy levels.

As this has been a busy and low-energy week (terrible combination!), I haven't really had any time for creative activities (aside from growing a baby, of course, but that's pretty hands-off at this stage of the game). I'm looking forward to the weekend, when I might be able to get some sewing or something done. I really want to finish my maternity pj's...preferably while I'm still pregnant!

I have been meaning to sneak in a bit of reading. I'm reading Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, and so far it's been pretty entertaining. I don't think it really holds up to the original, which is one of my favourite indulgences, but it is funny, and I'm finding it interesting to see how the author has worked the undead into Jane Austen's landscape. I am finding it a little hard to envision Lady Catherine hosting a dojo full of ninjas, although the image of her violently destroying the walking dead is actually not much of an imaginative stretch.

Now I'm off to get ready for bed...where I will, I hope, sleep a long and peaceful sleep and awaken pain- and sniffle-free!