Four Things

A meme? Why not? From the blog of Thomas Vander Wal.

Four Jobs I've Had:
1. Highschool teacher
2. University English tutor
3. Assistant program coordinator at an exhibition/fair
4. Paper girl

Four Movies I Can Watch Over And Over:
1. Amélie
2. Bollywood/Hollywood
3. Russian Ark
4. The Importance of Being Earnest

Four Places I've Lived:
1. Sydney Mines, NS
2. Halifax, NS
3. Ottawa, ON
4. St. John's, NL

Four TV Shows I Love:
1. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
2. Firefly
3. Wonderfalls
4. Battlestar Galactica (The only one that hasn't been cancelled...let's hope this isn't a sign!)

Four Places I've Vacationed:
1. Greece
2. Boston, MA
3. The Cabot Trail, NS (so many times...still beautiful!)
4. Moncton, NB

Four Of My Favourite Dishes:
1. Thai Cashew Chicken
2. Vegetable Dansak
3. Sweet and Sour Chicken (I'm getting hungry...)
4. Does pie count?

Four Sites I Visit Daily:

Four Places I Would Rather Be Right Now:
1. Athens, Greece
2. Café Shafali, an Indian restaurant in Ottawa, ON (told you I was getting hungry!)
3. Anywhere on horseback
4. Bed (soon to be there...)

Four Bloggers I'm Tagging:
If four people read this I'll be's pretty new--but if you're one of them, consider yourself tagged!


Sherry said...

I guess that means I'm tagged, then! Well, it's nice to see you finally in blogland. I'll add you to my blogroll directly! :-)

Brooklyn said...

apparently ive been tagged